
David Hockney is an English artist, based in California. An important contributor to the British Pop Art of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.

David Hockney


David Hockney is an English artist, based in California. An important contributor to the British Pop Art of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Hockney has often been regarded as a playboy of the art world. He has had lascivious relationships, and he has run among strange and crazy artistic circles. Yet he has always retained a sense of stability in his life through his constant and tireless devotion to his work. Hockney is an artist that has always enjoyed success and praise, facing little to no hardship in his career. What is interesting about his life is not the problems he has encountered, but the strides he has taken to bypass much human suffering and malaise.

1959-62 – Studies at The Royal College of Art, London where he meets RB Kitaj and other artists that were founders of Pop Art in Britain.

1953-57 – Studies at Bradford School of Art, graduates with a distinction

1948 – Bradford Grammar School

Artist Website




Annely Juda Fine Art, London , iPhone and iPad drawings 2009-2012 and New Photographic Drawings
Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, DAVID HOCKNEY SELECTED PORTRAITS, 1976-1995
Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris, Pictures of Daily Life, New iPhone and iPad drawings
Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris, Portraits
A Bigger Gallery, Rutland, A Bigger Gallery – David Hockney Viewing Event
L.A. Louver, Venice, David Hockney iPhone and iPad Drawings, 2009-12


Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, David Hockney: Works On Paper, 1961 – 2009
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, David Hockney: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-life
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, David Hockney
Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris, The Yosemite Suite
Pace Gallery, Palo Alto, David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite
Lyndsey Ingram, London, David Hockney: The Complete Early Etchings 1961 – 1964
Annely Juda Fine Art, London , David Hockney, Digital Drawings


Pace Gallery, New York, David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite
Royal Academy of Arts, London, David Hockney RA: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-life
L.A. Louver, Venice, David Hockney: The Yosemite Suite
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, David Hockney: Current


Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, LOUISIANA ON PAPER: DAVID HOCKNEY
Annely Juda Fine Art, London , Painting and Photography
L.A. Louver, Venice, David Hockney: Painting and Photography
Offer Waterman, London, David Hockney, Early Drawings
Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, David Hockney: Early Drawings


Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, David Hockney: Selected Works


Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, David Hockney: The Thrill is Spati
Solo Exhibition, Painting on Paper, 17 January – 1 March, Annely Juda Fine Art, London. National Portrait Gallery, London shows Five Double Portraits by David Hockney, 16 January – 29 June 2003
Between December 1999 and January 2000 Hockney makes ‘camera lucida’ drawings of twelve guards of the National Gallery, London. These form part of the exhibition Encounters: New Art from Old which takes place at the National Gallery from 14 June to 17 September 2000


In January three exhibitions are shown simultaneously in Paris: “David Hockney. Espace Paysage” at the Centre Georges Pompidou, “Dialogue avec Picasso” at the Muse. Le Picasso and “David Hockney Photographies” at the Maison Europe. Lene de la Photographie.
Six Grand Canyon paintings form part of the summer exhibition at the Royal Academy, London, where they win the exhibition’s annual Wollaston award
The Pace Gallery, New York exhibits ‘Recent Etchings by David Hockney’ before the show moves to the Alan Cristea Gallery, London
In April and May pastels of the Grand Canyon are shown together with other works on paper at the Richard Gray Gallery, New York. ‘David Hockney. Space & Line’ then moved to Annely Juda Fine Art, London where the exhibition included an additional series of 56 recent portraits drawn with the aid of a camera lucida


“Local Views by Local Artist for a Local Lad” exhibition is shown at Salts Mill from January to April. The Yorkshire landscape paintings are then exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
Major retrospective of his photo works is shown at the Museum Ludwig, Cologne and subsequently tours to Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Turin
Extended period of portrait drawing. Produces a number of ‘Abstract’ paintings in addition to a series of small paintings of his two dogs Stanley and Boodgie
Solo exhibitions include the 1853 Gallery in Saltaire (1994). Major retrospective of his drawings held at the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, travelling to the Royal Academy of Arts, London and Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creates ‘Snails Space’ with Vari-lites. ‘Painting as Performance’ shown with recent paintings at the Andre Emmerich Gallery, New York and recent graphics and paintings at the Robert Miller Gallery, New York
Solo exhibitions also include Boymans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam, Manchester City Art Gallery and Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo


Shows fax works at the Biennale Sao Paulo and at other venues worldwide
Produces his first computer drawings


A major retrospective of his work is held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and subsequently is shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and at the Tate Gallery, London
Begins making prints using a fax machine
After a break of almost four years begins to paint intensively again producing a large number of paintings and prints which show the influence of Chinese scrolls and his photo-collages
Solo exhibitions now average 10-15 annually


First solo exhibitions at Nishimura Gallery, Tokyo, and Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, both at which he continues to show regularly thereafter


Produces his first composite Polaroids and photo-collages which are shown in New York and extensively elsewhere including the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris


For the Metropolitan Opera New York designs sets and costumes for the triple bill of Satie’s ‘Parade’, Poulenc’s ‘Les Mamelles de Tiresias’ and Ravel’s ‘L’Enfant et les Sortileges’
Solo exhibitions include Knoedler/Kasmin Gallery, London with whom he exhibits regularly until the gallery’s closure in 1991


Produces ‘Paper Pools’ a series using coloured paper pulp. Decides to settle in Los Angeles. Travels to Egypt. Death of his father
The exhibition of his drawings and prints ‘Travels with Pen, Pencil and Ink’ begins it’s extensive three year tour of USA, Canada and Britain
Designs ‘The Magic Flute’ for Glyndebourne
Solo exhibitions include LA Louver Gallery, Venice, California with whom he has regularly shown ever since


Travels to USA. Later visits Australia and the South Sea Islands. Produces a series of large scale lithographs in Los Angeles
Works on etchings to illustrate ‘The Man with the Blue Guitar’ by Wallace Stevens
Solo exhibitions include Nicholas Wilder Gallery, Los Angeles
Hockney moves to Paris. Focus of interest shifts from painting to drawing and print-making
Retrospective exhibition held at the Muse?Le des Arts De?Lcoratifs, Paris opens in 1974
Designs sets and costumes for ‘The Rakes Progress’ for Glyndebourne. Solo exhibitions include Garage Art, London


First retrospective exhibition held at the Whitechapel Gallery, London (which later tours to Hanover, Rotterdam and Belgrade). Begins work on ‘Mr & Mrs Clarke and Percy’ which he finishes the following year


Works on the suite of etchings ‘Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm’. Visiting Professor at the Hochschule fur bildende Kunste in Hamburg
Solo exhibitions include the Andre Emmerich Gallery, New York with whom he shows regularly thereafter


Increasingly uses his own photographs as studies for his paintings. solo exhibitions include the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Included in Documenta IV, Kassel and XXXIV Venice Biennale. Moves back to London
The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kasmin Gallery, London and Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels


Moves to Los Angeles. Makes first Swimming Pool paintings. Begins using photographs as studies for paintings and working with acrylic paint. First solo exhibition in New York at the Alan Gallery


First solo exhibition at the Kasmin Gallery, London with whom he was to show regularly thereafter
The Sunday Times commissions Hockney to travel to Egypt to produce drawings for their magazine which however were never published
Travels to New York where he meets Henry Geldzahler and Andy Warhol
Visits Los Angeles for the first time
Makes series of etchings ‘A Rakes Progress’ after visiting New York for the first time. Paints the walls of the ‘Teenagers Room’ for the cruise ship ‘Canberra’. Travels to Italy, Munich and Berlin


David Hockney: Photoshop is boring

David Hockney’s Fresh Flowers, An iPad Exhibition At The ROM

David Hockney Royal Academy 2012

David Hockney continues prodigious picture-making career

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